Farewell Colitis

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My journey out of my condition or
How I become healthy by changing my diet

Should one have to accept the diagnosis of an incurable chronic bowel disorder? No. I didn’t want to! And that’s where my search began. Coincidence showed me the right path. It wasn’t medication that brought me the hoped-for success, but the consistent change in my diet. It wasn’t easy, but it was worth it. I would like to take you with me on this journey, which gave me the chance of a second life.

Author: Michaela Barthel
Cover, typography and illustrations: Michaela Barthel
Adieu Colitis: Englische Übersetzung Oktober 2018
Translation: Claire Agius / Agius Language & Translation, Manchester UK
Print-Book-Format: 15,2 x 22,9 x 1,6 cm
248 Seiten

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22,80 EUR
Weight: 421 g

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Farewell Colitis My journey out of may condition – and by changing my diet

The idea for this book was born when my friends started asking me what I could actually still eat. It’s only now that I realise just how much and how consistently my diet has increasingly changed over the years. However, it took me a long time because there was hardly any help or support. Today, it is my hobby to write books through which I can share my experiences, as well as to give lectures, and cookery and baking courses. It makes me so happy to see how I can help others avoid the suffering that I went through. As a freelance designer, I can once again pursue my professional duties.

Farewell Colitis My journey out of may condition – and by changing my diet

I changed my life, learned self-love and changed my diet. This is how I strengthened my immune system. It’s been a long road, it hasn’t always been an easy road, but it has been a happy road. today

Curriculum Vitae:

Michaela Barthel
Born in 1960 in Berlin.
Typesetting apprenticeship. Studies completed in typography and book design.
Typographer, graphic designer, art director, freelance communication designer since 1992.
Diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in 1996. Due to a change in diet and lifestyle, I have been completely free of symptoms and medication for many years. I feel like I’ve been given a second life.

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Farewell Colitis-Michaela Barthel-My journey out of may condition




Zusätzliche Informationen

Gewicht 421 kg
Größe 15,2 × 22,9 cm


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